Healthy Baby Teeth for Children With Disabilities Flip Chart
38 page interactive flip chart for parent education
38 page interactive flip chart for parent education
38 page interactive flip chart for parent education
Help parents of children with special needs understand the importance of oral health with this interactive flip chart. Face the page with the picture towards the parent and review the information on the page facing you. Each page features motivational interviewing prompts to begin problem solving conversations. Includes access to digital parent handouts which reinforce key concepts.
Topics Include:
Taking Care of Your Child’s Mouth
Planning for a Trip to the Dentist
How Decay Happens
Mouth and Tooth Injuries: What to Do
Oral health information for specific special needs including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and G-Tube and Tracheostomy
…and More!
It is recommended that staff complete the Oral Health Teacher Training for Children with Special Needs before using the flip chart: